Join me in my adventures as I write romance novels and sew vintage and contemporary fashion.

Friday, April 12, 2013

30s Dress Goes To Work

I wore my 30s dress to school today. It's one of the most comfortable dresses I've ever worn. I can't say the same about my red shoes, but I love them.
I only had one comment from a kid, which I consider pretty amazing because 8th graders feel very free to make personal comments and observations whenever they feel like it. The kid thought my sleeves looked very samurai. 
Perhaps he has a point. By the way...can you guess what I teach? 


  1. I came across your blog today looking for dresses made with rayon fabric. I am at owe with your sewing skills and your choice of dress styles! My favorites are the 30-s dress and black polka dot dress with a red sash! I am inspired to start my first dress project. Thank you! By the way, my guess is you are a science teacher in 8th grade ;) am I correct?

    1. Hi Lessa,
      Why yes, I am an 8th grade science teacher. :-) I'm so glad that you're about to start your first dress project. Welcome to the fascinating, frustration,yet fulfilling world of sewing! I wish you much success!
